Thursday 25 November 2010

Drifting away along with the wind.

Don't you just hate it when your stuck in your thought's like a dog chasing it's tail?
Your just going over the same thing again and again. You see it. But you just can't quite get it.
Sometimes it feels like your stuck under a constant grey cloud - it wont leave you. There's always something there eating at your nerves, pulling you emotions and your left confused and numb. Nothing has happened it's just a song, a melody or even a lyric - it reminds you of your past. The things you wanted to forget but it won't leave you.
You put on a mask - a fake smile or make - up you want to hide. Finally you give up after a long time of pretending. You let yourself go. The wind pushes you and before you know it. Some one is there to kiss you on the head they make it all seem to go away. Until you're left alone - you mind comes back and breaks you.
Just ignore the voices and you will get some sleep tonight.

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